Hiring a new team member for your yoga studio is an exciting time. It can also feel intimidating, as the risks are high. Every team member you add to the mix has an important impact on client retention and your yoga studio's culture. Here are ten tips for finding and hiring the right team for your yoga studio.
1. Be patient when filling an open position.
The right candidate is out there, so wait for them! Hiring employees because you have to fill an open position is a recipe for disaster. In fact, having no one is better than hiring someone who doesn’t accurately represent your studio brand and culture. Create a disciplined hiring process, take time to find and interview multiple candidates, and always conduct proper interviews.
2. Recruit before you have an opening.
Even when you’re fully staffed, you should be thinking about hiring new team members. Every instructor you meet in the yoga studio industry is a potential hire. Keep a record of the potential employees you meet that you’d like on your team. Make it a point to keep in touch with these people through social media, associations, and other yoga community forums.
When you constantly look for potential team members for your yoga studio, you won't be pressured to hire a mediocre instructor because you're desperate. Instead, you'll fill your next open position with an awesome candidate you want on your team.
3. Hang out where potential candidates hang out.
When it comes time to hire, start where potential employees hang out. Attend yoga conferences and local gatherings. Join Facebook groups and follow niche yoga studio blogs. You’ll be amazed who you meet in these settings!
The more time you spend with yoga enthusiasts and instructors the better. You’ll hear the buzz about potential employees worthy of recruiting for your team.
4. Partner with well-known certification programs.
The best yoga instructors are required to stay up to speed on the latest techniques and practices through continuing education classes.
Establish a relationship with a reputable yoga certification program. You'll gain access to new and experienced instructors who have the skills and education you desire for your yoga studio.
5. Build a solid reputation as the best employer around.
As word gets out about how awesome it is to work for your yoga studio, you’ll have the best instructors lining up to work on your team.
Foster a work environment that rewards team members who go the extra mile. Offer staff incentives, such as direct deposit payroll options, discounted merchandise, free classes, and continuing education opportunities. Build strategies and practices to make your current team members happy. They’ll sing your yoga studio's praises to attract other team members.
6. Clearly define the qualities you seek in a team member.
It all starts with the job description. The initial job description provides yoga studio owners with the opportunity to define the type of team member they want to hire.
What are your standards? Do you value experience, education, or professionalism? Are you focused on hiring an employee who is friendly and outgoing? Or are you looking for someone who is an exceptionally organized and a great communicator?
Make a list of the specific qualities you desire for your yoga studio team and accept nothing less than the best.
7. Ask the right interview questions.
Once you've determined what qualities create a rock-star team, develop interview questions to help you decide if an applicant has these qualities. Be specific. Generic questions won’t provide the insight you need to make an informed hiring decision.
8. Hire team members who are familiar with your yoga studio.
According to After Class, one of the first things you should consider is whether or not an applicant knows your brand. This is particularly important when hiring an instructor for your yoga studio.
Start simple. Has the potential instructor taken a class at your yoga studio? Do they follow your social media or blog? These are signs of whether the candidate wants to be a part of your yoga studio culture or if they’re just looking for a job.
9. Make sure potential employees can work with a team.
You could hire the world's best yoga instructor, but if they can't work with your team, they won't last. Or worse, they'll create a rift in your current team’s dynamic. The last thing you want is a hostile or stressful work environment for your current team. It's bad for your employees and your yoga studio members.
During an interview, ask questions that focus on working with a team and responding to authority. This will help determine if your candidate is a team player.
10. Hire on a trial basis.
There's an old saying, "try it before you buy it." When you think you've found the best applicant, ask them to instruct a class. This will give you a good idea about the instructor’s potential and ability. You'll also see the dynamic they create with their students and other yoga studio team members.
Take their class and encourage other team members to take it with you. Getting feedback from trusted employees will provide a fresh perspective on the candidate.
Building and managing a great yoga studio team doesn’t stop when your position is filled. Strive to keep your team motivated and happy. Happy employees create a peaceful and calm studio environment.
Stick to the above tips, and you'll be on path to hiring the perfect team member for your yoga studio. Do you have a hiring tip for fellow yoga studio owners? We'd love to hear from you in the comments section.