Facebook is the perfect place to leverage the power of social. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains the World’s most popular social media platform - by a long shot.
When it comes to boosting your brand recognition, social media should never be underestimated. Matter of fact, BlogZonics cites social referrals as the largest contributor to fitness club membership growth. Social media platforms provide limitless possibilities to connect to potential members, while simultaneously boosting your chances for gaining more social referrals.
In the following blog post we’ve outlined exactly how you can utilize Facebook to gain more social referrals.
Create Your Facebook Powerlist to Boost Social Referrals
In today's digital world, social media accounts create social referrals by empowering customers to rate and review your fitness studio online. Facebook allows more social referrals to take place online. Additionally, your Facebook review and rate will show up on your Google search.
According to Club Connect, you can use Facebook to promote your fitness culture, sharing exercise and fitness tips that are useful to your followers. When you use Facebook to post fitness studio challenges and group fitness schedules, you are expanding the potential for more social referrals.
Whether your fitness studio is just starting or looking to expand their reach,it’s essential to connect with everyone you know. Reach out to clients, friends, family and acquaintances and ask them to like and follow your page. This group of people become your “power list.” They’ll start to promote your fitness studio by asking others to like and follow your page.
The larger your following, the greater the potential for your Facebook page to generate social referrals.
Social Referrals Come From Engaged Facebook Followers
Great content creates a great following on Facebook. According to Inman, when you post content that interests your audience “you start to build a bond with your following.”
A great following on social media will create more social referrals. The better your daily content, the more likely your followers will share your content on their Facebook feed, enticing others to like and follow.
What should you post? Be true to your brand and your fitness studio culture. Inspirational images and quotes to keep your viewers engaged. Repost videos and articles that are relevant and inspiring for your readers. Post content that is positive, inspiring, diverse and passionate. Use your Facebook platform to promote contests, open enrollment, and other exciting promotional incentives and offerings.
Run a Social Referral Promotion on Facebook
Consider using your Facebook page to attract new customers with a social referral incentive. With a referral incentive, a potential fitness center member receives an invitation from an active member to join the social media group. Once they sign up, you can reward both the existing and the new member with a free pass or swag.
Facebook also allows your followers check-in to your fitness studio and group classes. This keeps them connected and informed on what’s happening in the moment. The more clients that check in, the more likely others will click to see where they are (i.e. your fitness studio).
Ultimately, the more engaged your followers, the more likely they encourage others to follow your page and use your services. Essentially, the more likes and shares your content receives the more potential social referrals you’ll receive.
Make Your Facebook Followers Responsive
Once you’ve built your Facebook network you need to create a connection that makes them responsive to your posts. The idea is to make followers think of your fitness studio when they think anything fitness. You want them to come to your Facebook page for inspiration, guidance and community.
Using Facebook to communicate with your followers encourages communication between your brand and your fitness studio members. Think of your followers as friends. Friends don’t always want to talk business. They want a nice mix of professional and personal. When you post a great mixture of content, your followers are more likely to respond and engage.
When you’re actively engaging with your followers they develop a personal connection with your fitness studio. As this happens, they’re more likely to tell others about their experience and share your Facebook page. More followers means more social referrals.
It’s important to reply to every post, picture and comment on your wall. The happier your followers, the more likely you’ll get social referrals through your Facebook page. If you fail to reply your followers will eventually realize you’re not that in touch with your audience. This can be as simple as a like or a small written response.
Are you interested in learning how strong business management and fitness tracking software can help to streamline your organizational processes, boost revenues and build your fitness community? Contact the experts at OneFitStop to learn more. We look forward to hearing from you.